Hanjiang-to-Weihe River Water Diversion Project is a key water transfer project which could coordinates three regions in Shaanxi province and connects the Hanjiang and Weihe river and finally builds large water net in the Guanzhong region. In the early-phase demonstration, 4 route schemes was put forward including Huangjinxia, Chuanzhi, Xunyang and double cross-mountain route plan. Huangjinxia route plan is selected as the recommended plan. This paper also makes comparison among the three ways of water transportation: all pumping, all gravity flow and mixing method, and the mixing way is selected as the general Layout Plan. Based on the planning scheme, by the further optimization on the general layout of water transfer project, the paper proposed 3 general layout plans for comparison. The general layout plan takes into accounts of the society and economy macro- development planning both of nation, province and drainage basin and introduces new methods of system analysis and optimization method. In consideration of society, technology, economy and environment, this paper recommends the "low heigh and one tunnel to Huangehigou scheme" as the overall layout implement scheme of the project, which is constituted by Huangjinxia Water Project, Sanhekou Water Project and Qinling water transfer tunnel. This paper makes detail introdution of each parts project scale, layout and methods of management and running.
China Water Resources
Hanjiang-to-Weihe River Water Diversion Project
project scale
water transfer route
water diversion scheme
control point
whole layout