
个体主义与家庭主义:新文化运动百年再反思 被引量:45

Individualism and Familism: Rethinking on the 100-Year Anniversary of New Culture Movement
摘要 新文化运动发生已经一百年了,当年轰轰烈烈的个体与家庭之争已被淡忘。《新青年》杂志最早展开了关于个体与家庭之间的论争,一些后来有巨大影响的思想家无不参与过这一争论。在这场争论中,人们提倡个体主义更多是为了冲破以家庭为核心的宗法体制的束缚。独立自主的个体之于现代社会的奠基性意义在那时就已得到体认,但一百年过去了,这一原则的实现依然还在路上,个体观念至今仍没有真正建立起来,相反,这一观念内在可能包含的消极因素却在现实生活中造成了很大危害。家庭由于是传统中国宗法体制的核心所在,因此受到新文化运动主将们的激烈批判,家庭概念基本被否定,这直接导致了关于"家庭"伦理观念的理论阐述在现代中国的缺失。反思百年前个体与家庭之争,可以看到当时的人们既没有把个体概念作为目的真正树立起来,又将家庭概念中积极的、根本性的生存论内涵与外在衍生的各种机制相混淆,由此个体主义的消极层面难以在文化传统的资源中得到纠正。今天反思百年前的新文化运动,可以看到,中国文化传统关于家庭的论述是消解个体主义之弊的巨大思想资源。现代的中国依然需要个体主义和家庭主义这两大命题。 The New Culture Movement was taken place 100 years ago. The once heatedly debated topic of individual and family is now often neglected. The Journal of New Youth initiated this debate,and numerous prominent thinkers of that age were involved in. However,the advance of individualism then pointed more to the liberation from the bondage of family than the upholding of individualism itself. Of course,the fundamental significance of free and independent individuals for the modern society is exalted then,but the fulfillment of this individual principle is still underway today. While the concept of individual has not been solidly established,the negative elements of this concept have already done great harm to our society. Family,as the core of traditional Chinese patriarchalism,had been fiercely attacked then,and the concept of family had been almost totally refuted,which immediately led to the absence of related ethical thought in modern China. Rethinking the debate about individual and family of 100 years ago,the author finds that the failure of focusing on the individual concept as aim and the confusing of the positive and fundamental ontological meaning of family with its various external mechanisms contributed together to the weakening of traditional culture in balancing the negative impacts of individualism. In fact,the thought of family in traditional Chinese culture is a great resource for rescuing the individualism from its bad reputation. For this reason,modern China calls for the revival of the concept of family as well as the correct understanding of individualism.
作者 孙向晨
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期62-69,共8页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 新文化运动 个体主义 家庭主义 The New Culture Movement individualism family
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