The New Culture Movement was taken place 100 years ago. The once heatedly debated topic of individual and family is now often neglected. The Journal of New Youth initiated this debate,and numerous prominent thinkers of that age were involved in. However,the advance of individualism then pointed more to the liberation from the bondage of family than the upholding of individualism itself. Of course,the fundamental significance of free and independent individuals for the modern society is exalted then,but the fulfillment of this individual principle is still underway today. While the concept of individual has not been solidly established,the negative elements of this concept have already done great harm to our society. Family,as the core of traditional Chinese patriarchalism,had been fiercely attacked then,and the concept of family had been almost totally refuted,which immediately led to the absence of related ethical thought in modern China. Rethinking the debate about individual and family of 100 years ago,the author finds that the failure of focusing on the individual concept as aim and the confusing of the positive and fundamental ontological meaning of family with its various external mechanisms contributed together to the weakening of traditional culture in balancing the negative impacts of individualism. In fact,the thought of family in traditional Chinese culture is a great resource for rescuing the individualism from its bad reputation. For this reason,modern China calls for the revival of the concept of family as well as the correct understanding of individualism.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
The New Culture Movement