分析APEC各成员在计算机科学领域发表的基金论文的基本概况和合作现状,对加深APEC各成员科学现状的认识,促进APEC科技创新合作进程、提升科技服务的水平和绩效,强化科技与经济的结合度等方面具有重大的意义。基于Web of Science数据库平台,运用文献计量方法,从基金论文数量、年代分布、篇均基金数、被引频次和基金资助机构5个方面定量分析了各成员基金资助科学论文的产出力和影响力,通过社会网络分析工具,绘制了APEC成员基金论文合作网络及特点。结果显示,在计算机科学领域,基金资助对高水平科学论文的产出具有重要的作用,对于中国尤为显著;基金资助对科学论文的平均影响力不明显,但对高被引文献的产出影响显著;资助高水平科学论文最多的资助机构均出自各成员科学技术界国家级最高水平的学术机构;APEC各成员之间科技合作密切,其中美国和中国合作最多。
Analyzing of the basic situation and cooperation status of the fund paper published in the field of computer sci- ence of APEC members has great significance in deepening the understanding of the scientific status quo, promoting technological innovation cooperation, enhancing the level and performance of technology services as well as strengthening the combined degree of technology and economy. Based on the Web of Science databases, the paper analyzed the fund paper's productivity and influence by using bibliometric analysis method from the perspective of the number of papers, age distribution, the average number of fund- ing per paper, citation frequency and funding agency. Through social network analysis tools, the paper drew a network of cooper- ation among APEC members and analyzes its characteristics. Results showed that: In the field of Computer Science, the funding grants has an important role on the output of high level of scientific papers, particularly significant for China; The funding's impact on the overall thesis is not obvious, but its impact on highly cited papers is significant; Agencies funded most papers axe the high- est level of national academic institutions from each member; There is a close cooperation among APEC members, especially the United States and China.
Journal of Modern Information