目的分析2011-2013年山东省狂犬病病例及暴露处置门诊监测数据,探讨其流行特点及高危因素,为狂犬病宣传和健康教育的工作重点提供参考依据。方法收集山东省2011-2013年狂犬病疫情资料及暴露处置门诊监测资料,利用流行病学和统计学方法进行整理汇总和分析。结果 2011-2013年山东省报告狂犬病例212例,农民占87.32%,60岁以上老年人占38.03%。98.51%的病例为动物咬伤或抓伤后发病,犬猫暴露后仅有9.41%注射了狂犬病疫苗。以5-8月最多,均在5万例以上。全程免疫接种者占接种人数的66.13%-68.35%,被动免疫制剂使用率由2011年的16.88%上升至2013年的21.47%。暴露后自行处理伤口的比例仅21%左右。结论 2011-2013年山东省狂犬病疫情继续下降,发病以农民为主,中老年人是高发人群。5-8月是狂犬病暴露的高风险时期。暴露后预防处置不当、疫苗接种不规范不及时是狂犬病发病的主要影响因素。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and epidemic trend of human rabies in Shandong province during 2011-2013,explore the related factors,so as to provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of the disease. Methods The data of human rabies cases in Shandong province were collected from national disease reporting information system and the rabies clinics under surveillance to conduct descriptive analysis. Results A total of 212 rabies cases were reported in Shandong province during 2011-2013.The cases were mainly farmers(87.32%),98.51% of total cases were caused by exposure to dogs and cats.84.91% were over 60 years old.The vaccination rate after exposure was9.41%.The animals causing exposure were mainly dogs.The self wound treatment rates before seeking medical care were low in all surveillance clinics.RIG was not widely injected for categoryⅢ exposures. Conclusion The human rabies cases continue to decline in Shandong province during 2011-2013.All rabies cases are reported in rural areas.Dogs are still the main animal hosts.Most rabies cases die due to none or inadequate post-exposure prophylaxis and treatment(PEP and PET)with absence of the effective management of the dog.Health department should pay more attention on PEP,PET and health education,especially the older people in rural villages.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Human rabies
Epidemiological characteristics