Specialty setup influences the talent training quality of modern distance higher diploma education. It is an important indicator of the school-running level and its efficiency. In 2015, research shows that the modern distance higher diploma education presents characteristics such as comprehensive in cultivating levels, rich in disciplines, adequate in total majors, average in college distributing, centralized in major setupand in line with the market demand. However, there also ex- ist problems like the convergences and structural imbalance of specialty setup, inconspicuous differences, nonstandard specialty names and some major orientation's name falling short of the reality. Therefore, we can improve specialty setup in higher diploma education of modern distance by some measures such as establishing scientific concept, setting up reasonable specialty, making the most of colleges' advantage, constructing characteristic specialty, standardizing the specialty name, guiding students rightly, strengthening the direction and supervision, and standardizing the curriculum setting, etc.
Journal of Continuing Higher Education
Modern distance
higher diploma education
specialty setup