通过野外调查取样和室内分析,研究了不同林龄(5、10、15、20 a)茶树林土壤理化性质以及茶叶品质,以期为指导茶树的种植和管理提供理论指导。结果表明,随生长年限的增加,茶树林冠幅、基径、分枝数先增加后降低;茶树林密度逐渐降低;茶树林土壤最大持水量、毛管持水量、电导率、粗砂粒和细砂粒含量呈逐渐增加趋势;毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、极细砂粒和黏粉粒含量呈逐渐降低趋势;土壤含水率和容重呈先增加后降低趋势,生长15 a时达到最大,表现为15 a>20 a>10 a>5 a;p H值呈先降低后增加趋势,以15年生茶树林最小。随生长年限的增加,茶树林土壤养分含量和茶叶品质(粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、粗灰分、无氮浸出物含量)呈先增加后降低趋势,整体表现为15 a>20 a>10 a>5 a,表明茶树林在一定程度上对土壤养分具有累积作用,对茶叶品质具有提高作用;各林龄茶树林土壤速效养分含量变化幅度均高于土壤全量养分含量。综合来看,茶树生长过程有利于林地土壤肥力的提高和土壤环境的改善,但需要时间较长。
The soil physical and chemical properties and the tea quality of different age stages of tea trees were studied by field sample and indoor analysis to provide theoretical guidance for tea cultivation and management. The results showed that with the increase of growing year of tea tree,the crown breadth, basal diameter and branch number of tea trees increased first and then decreased;the density of tea tree decreased;maximum water holding capacity,capillary water holding capacity,conductivity,coarse sand and fine sand contents gradually increased;capillary porosity,noncapillary porosity,very fine sand and clay powder contents gradually decreased;soil moisture content and bulk density increased first and then decreased,the 15 years old tea tree had the highest value,the orders were 15 a 〉 20 a 〉 10 a 〉 5 a;soil pH value first decreased and then increased,the 15 years old tea tree had the lowest value;soil nutrients contents and tea qualities,including crude protein content,crude fat content,crude fiber content,crude ash content and nitrogen free extract content,increased first and then decreased,the orders were 15 a 〉20 a 〉10 a 〉 5 a,suggesting that tea trees had an function of accumulation for soil nutrient and improve-ment for the quality of tea;the rangeability of soil available nutrients contents were higher than that of to-tal soil nutrients contents. Overall,the growing process of tea trees could facilitate the improvement of soil fertility and soil environment,and which needed a long time.
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
tea grove
forest ages
soil properties
tea qualities