建立国家层面的资格框架,逐渐成为很多国家有效的教育政策工具,以实现各级各类教育之间的整合并促进终身学习体系的建立。英国是实施国家资格框架的先驱国家之一。本文对英国资格框架体系的发展历程和运作模式进行分析,从批判的观点来看待英国的资格与学分框架(Qualification and Credit Framework,QCF)的实施和影响。这些观点对我国开发一个全纳的、国家层面但又具有灵活性的资格框架很有借鉴意义。
Increasingly, qualification frameworks have been seen as useful education policy instrument to achieve these goals, such as strengthening integration of regular and vocational education, prompting the establishment of a lifelong learning system. The United Kingdom can be regarded as one of the pioneers of qualification frameworks. Based on the analyses of the development and optional models of Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF), this paper attempts to take a critical perspective of its implementation and impact. Such perspectives provide a more reliable basis for developing an inclusive, nationally consistent yet flexible qualification framework in China.
Examinations Research