
中英两国体育行业国家职业标准结构和内容的比较研究 被引量:3

A Comparative Study on the Structure and Content of NOS in Sports Industry between China and UK
摘要 采用文献资料法和比较研究法等研究方法,对中英两国体育行业国家职业标准结构和内容的异同点进行了比较分析,为建立适合国情又符合国际惯例的我国体育行业国家职业标准提供参考。研究认为:中英两国体育行业国家职业标准都采用了模块式结构,但英国的模块式结构是动态、开放的,我国的模块式结构是固定、封闭的;两国都采用了功能分析法将职业能力的确定作为职业标准的核心内容,但英国体育行业职业能力主要由行业通用能力和职业特定能力两大层次构成,而我国仅由职业特定能力这一层次构成。研究表明,在标准的研究上要把握国内外体育行业职业标准的总体发展趋势,加强对国内外体育行业各类具体职业标准的研究。研究启示:应建立一个动态、开放的标准结构模块、层次化的体育职业能力体系和逐渐与国际接轨的体育行业国家职业标准,以满足企业发展、科技进步以及劳动就业的需要。 The methods of literature review and comparative study are mainly used to perform a contrasting analysis of the similarities and differences between China and UK in both structure and content of NOS( National Occupational Standards) in sports industry. This paper aims to provide a reference for establishing NOS in sports industry that suitable for national conditions and international conventions in China. Conclusion: Firstly,a modular structure is adopted both in China and UK,but the former is fossilized and closed while the latter is dynamic and open. Secondly,occupational competence is made the primary criterion for occupational standards framing by using functional analysis method in both countries. However,general competence and specific competence are both contained in the UK occupational competence evaluation while China only values the latter. It suggests that more research to strengthen specific competence in sports industry should be going on based on understanding the development of NOS in sports industry in world. The research further suggests that a dynamic,open mode of standard structure,a well-layered system of occupational competence and also the NOS of sports industry searching for gradual international integration should be established in China to meet the needs of enterprise development,technological advancement and employment promotion.
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期13-19,共7页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 国家体育总局体育社会科学研究项目"中英两国体育行业国家职业资格证书制度的比较研究"(1149SS07106)
关键词 体育行业 国家职业标准 中国 英国 系统模块 国际化程度 职业等级 职业能力 sports industry National Occupational Standards China UK system module degree of internationalization occupation caste occupation capability
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