工业以太网现场总线Ether CAT作为新兴的现场总线技术被越来越多的应用到数控领域,其中将Ether CAT总线应用到数控系统中的关键技术难点是构建Ether CAT主站。基于此,文章提出了一种基于AM3358处理器构建嵌入式Ether CAT主站的解决方案。首先采用RT Patch在AM3358处理器平台上实现嵌入式实时Linux系统,然后使用Ig H Ether CAT Master开源组件在其上构建嵌入式实时Ether CAT主站。最后在数控系统中对嵌入式Ether CAT主站进行了测试,测试结果表明,构建的嵌入式实时Ether CAT主站可以满足数控系统实时性和多轴控制同步性的要求。
EtherCAT,as an emerging fieldbus technology,is increasingly applied in the field of numerical control,the key technical difficulties of application Ether CAT into CNC system is to build EtherCAT master. For this reason,a solution of building embedded Ether CAT master based on AM3358 processor is presented. Firstly,using RT Patch implements the embedded real-time Linux system on AM3358 processor platform. Then using Ig H Ether CAT M aster open source components builds embedded Ether CAT master on that system. Finally,the embedded Ether CAT master is been tested in CNC system. The result shows that the embedded EtherCAT master can achieve precise multi axis synchronous control,can meet the requirement of real-time and synchronization of CNC system.
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique