介绍了SNCR脱硝工艺技术首次在甘蔗糖厂锅炉烟气脱硝中的应用,以及对SNCR与SCR脱硝工艺在技术、应用等方面进行了比较。生产运行表明,采用SNCR脱硝工艺技术后锅炉烟气烟尘氮氧化物排放浓度≤100 mg/m3,达到GB13223-2011排放标准的要求。
The first-time application of SNCR denitration technology for cane sugar mill boiler flue gas were introduced in this paper, and the SNCR and SCR denitration technology were compared in their technology and application, etc. In the production running, the SNCR denitration technology reduced the emission concentration of the boiler flue gas to less than 100 mg/m^3, which met the requirements for emission stated in GB13223-2011.
Sugarcane and Canesugar