
油菜光合碳氮代谢特征及其与氮效率的关系 被引量:5

The Relationship of Carbon-nitrogen Metabolism Between Nitrogen Efficiency and Its Characteristics of Rape
摘要 为阐明油菜碳氮代谢与氮效率的关系,及其对油菜品质的影响。采用土培试验,以低产甘蓝型油菜品种沪油15(品种A)与高产甘蓝型油菜品系742(品种B)为试验材料,在常氮与氮胁迫2种供氮情况下,研究了不同品种油菜不同供氮水平下光和参数,可溶性糖、游离氨基酸与硝酸盐含量差异,氮效率与收获指数以及与籽粒脂肪酸组成的变化及差异。结果表明,无论哪种供氮水平,品种B苗期光合参数大于品种A,盛花期规律相反,两品种的Pn、Gs、Ci与Tr皆在盛花期有所升高,而WUE有所降低。盛花期与角果发育期品种B茎、叶中可溶性糖含量高于品种A,油菜茎叶中可溶性糖含量从角果发育期呈减少趋势,角果发育期与收获期较抽薹期减少53%~80%,两品种5个时期茎叶皆表现为常氮时可溶性糖含量小于氮胁迫;品种B游离氨基酸除在2种供氮水平下盛花期叶、角果发育期地上部分与氮胁迫时抽薹期叶中大于品种A,其余时期呈现相反规律,到达角果发育期,两品种营养器官中游离氨基酸较生育前期大幅度减少;品种B5个时期硝酸盐含量、氮效率、收获指数、品质皆高于品种A。碳氮代谢与氮效率关系密切,油菜后期碳氮代谢大幅度减弱,碳氮代谢强的品种氮效率高,有利于氮素积累,籽粒品质较好,品种B碳氮代谢及其各项指标优于品种A,品种优势明显。 In order to clarify the relationship of carbon-nitrogen metabolism with nitrogen efficiency and it′s in-fluence on quality of Brassica napus.Under soil cultivation with normal nitrogen supply and nitrogen stress supply conditions,studied two rape varieties:low-yield rape variety(variety A)and high-yield rape variety(variety B),as-sayed the difference and change of their photosynthetic parameters ,soluble sugars ,free amino acid ,nitrate content , nitrogen efficiency ,harvest index and fatty acid composition .The result showed that in two nitrogen conditions pho-tosynthetic parameters of variety B were higher than variety A on seeding stage ,while trend found in flowering stage were opposite .As for soluble sugars the amount of variety B is larger than that of variety in stem and leaves at flow-ering stage and silique stage ,the amount of soluble sugars in stem and leaf of rape showed decreasing tendency from silique stage ,moreover ,compared with bolting stage sugars content at silique and harvest stage was reduce 53%-80%,soluble sugars of stem and leaf in two varieties were lower in normal nitrogen conditions while than in nitrogen stress;the free amino acid of variety B of leaves at flowering stage , aboveground part at pod stage in two nitrogen conditions and leaves at bolting stage in nitrogen stress condition was lower than that of variety A ,the adverse trend was found in two varieties in the other part and conditions .Free amino acids of the two varieties were decreased largely at pop stage .Amount of nitrate of rape in five stages ,nitrogen efficiency ,harvest index and quality of variety B were higher than that of variety A .Carbon-nitrogen metabolism has close influence on nitrogen efficiency ,in favour of nitrogen accumulation and decreased largely at late stare ,the variety had high carbon-nitrogen metabolism had high nitrogen efficiency and quality ,variety B were superior to variety A ,which has obvious breed goodness .
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期219-224,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31071851 31101596) 国家支撑计划项目(2012BAD15BO4 2012BAD15B04 2010BAD01B01) 湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目(12K064 10K034)
关键词 油菜 碳氮代谢 氮效率 游离氨基酸 Brassica napus Carbon-nitrogen metabolism Nitrogen efficiency Free amino acid
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