
心理护理、按摩、贴敷、中药灌肠干预子宫肌瘤围手术期80例临床观察 被引量:5

Psychological Care, Massage, Sticking, Enema Observed 80 Cases of Uterine Fibroids Clinical Perioperative Intervention
摘要 [目的]观察心理护理、按摩、耳穴贴敷、中药灌肠干预子宫肌瘤围手术期疗效。[方法]使用前瞻性设计,80例门诊及住院患者心理护理:讲解治疗过程,使病人对自身疾病有明确认知,配合治疗。穴位按摩:太阳、百会、印堂、风池,3min/次;热水泡脚,按涌泉,3min/次;耳穴按压:防切口疼痛,舒适体位,按压神门、子宫、皮质下,3min/次,3~5次/d,疼痛增加按压次数,恶心、呕吐按摩内关,15min/次,1次/d;抓捏按摩:润肤油从足部远端渐往心端,每个肢体5~6min/次,股四头肌、股二头肌,抓捏5s/次,放松5s;术后0~48h,按摩足三里、三阴交,3次/d。穴位贴敷:术后6h王不留行贴耳穴、胃、大小肠、交感,直至麻、胀、疼痛感觉,按压3min/次,3次/d;术后48h拔出导尿管,适当活动;保留灌肠(蒲公英15g,鱼腥草6g,紫花地丁15g,败酱草6g,红芚15g,没药10g,三棱10g,乳香10g,莪术10g),水煎200m L,每次100m L,2次/d,。护理7d为1疗程。观测临床疗效、排气时间、住院天数、住院费用、不良反应。连续护理2疗程,判定疗效。[结果]相关指标(排气时间、住院天数、住院费用)均有改善(P〈0.05)。[结论]心理护理、按摩、耳穴贴敷、中药灌肠干预子宫肌瘤围手术期疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得推广。 [Objective]To observe psychological care, massage, sticking, enema uterine fibroids perioperative intervention efficacy. [Methods]Using a prospective design, 80 cases of outpatient and inpatient mental care: explain the treatment process, to take reasonable and effective method, manner, so that patients have a clear perception of their disease, and actively cooperate with medical treatment. Massage: help sleep, massage the sun, Baihui, YINTANG, Fengchi, 3min / times; hot feet, according to Yongquan, 3min / times; anti-incision pain, comfortable position, push the door of God ear, uterus, subcortical, 3min / times, 3-5 times / d, increasing the number of pressing pain, nausea, and vomiting within Neiguan massage, 15 min / times, 1 time / d; prevention of deep vein thrombosis, skin oils from getting a foot distal to the heart side, each limb 5~6min / times; Zhuanie massage quadriceps,biceps femoris, Zhuanie 5s / times, relax 5s, making the recovery of lower limb muscle pump function; after 0~48h, foot massage three years, Sanyinjiao, 3 times / d. Ear Sticking: 48 h after oral qi Relaxing drink, after 6h Vaccaria attached ear stomach, large intestine, sympathetic, until numbness, swelling, pain sensation, pushing 3min / time, 3 times / d; surgery after 48 h pull the catheter may be appropriate activities; enema(Pugongying 15 g, Yuxingcao 6g, Zihuadiding 15 g, Baijiangcao 6g, Hongchun 15 g, Meiyao 10 g, Sanleng10 g, Ruxiang 10 g, E'zhu 10g), decoction 200 mL, each 100 mL, 2 times / d, retention enema. Care 7d for a course of treatment. Observing clinical efficacy, exhaust time, length of stay, hospital costs. 2 courses continuum of care, to determine efficacy. [Results]Related indicators were improved(P〈0.05). [Conclusion]The psychological care, massage, ear sticking, enema intervention uterine fibroids perioperative results were satisfactory, no side effects, it is worth promoting.
作者 杨梅
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2015年第2期138-140,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 子宫肌瘤围手术期 心理护理 按摩 耳穴贴敷 中药保留灌肠 排气时间 住院天数 住院费用 中医药治疗 临床观察 Uterine fibroids perioperative Psychological care Massage Ear sticking Enema Exhaust time The number of days of hospitalization Hospitalization costs Medical treatment Clinical observation
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