本文是对David Howe教授所著的《Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice》一书中文译本的评论。本文归纳了该书的中心思想,即社会工作者在实践中必须理解与评估案主混乱的社会关系的起源和本质,而依恋理论是一个有效的理解的工具。本文从知识观的转向、实践的关系取向回归深入讨论了该书对社会工作实务的启示与意义,进而提出在理解案主童年—成年发展路径时应超越依恋理论,考虑社会结构因素。
This essay review analyzes the Chinese version of the book《Attachment Theory for Social Work Practice》by David Howe. The book addresses the needs of social workers in understanding and assessing the nature and origins of such disturbed social relationship from an attachment perspective. This article explains the implications and significance of the book on the social work practice through the discussion of changes in the concept of knowledge and reversion of relationship- based practice. Furthermore, it proposes that social structural factors must be taken into consideration as understanding the childhood-adulthood pathway.
Journal of Social Work