
中国经学诠释学及其释经的自解原则——论孔子“述而不作,信而好古”的独断论诠释学思想 被引量:11

Chinese Hermeneutics of Confucian Canons and Scripture Interpreting Scripture: Confucius' Dogmatic Hermeneutics
摘要 "述而不作,信而好古,窃比于我老彭"是孔子在原始经学时期提出来的一个重要且完整的经学诠释学命题。关于这个诠释学命题的提出,孔子是受动于血缘宗法制信仰的推动,而没有给出逻辑的论证,因此孔子以一个独断论的诠释学命题封闭了"六经"文本,把"六经"负载的意义在绝对的遵循中诠释为绝对真理——周公礼乐制度,同时也为自己塑造无冕素王的圣人形象提供诠释学意义上的必要性准备。西方基督教的释经学关于《圣经》的诠释有着重要的自解原则,中国经学诠释学对"六经"或《十三经》的诠释也有着在信仰上构成的自解原则。而经学诠释学自解原则告诉我们,"述"的字义与词义是"遵循","作"的字义与词义是"制作"与"兴作"。杨伯峻将"述而不作,信而好古"过度诠释为"阐述而不创作,以相信的态度喜爱古代文化",从而把一个经学诠释学命题降解为文学诠释学命题。 Confucius proposed an important and self-consistent proposition of hermeneutics in The Analects of Confucius 《论语》 in the period of original Jing Xue (经学), which is "Following without making up anything of my own and without making the rise of my own as Saint, believing in and loving the ancients which is about the system of rites and music made by Duke Zhou (周公), I venture to compare myself with our old Peng." Con- fucius was motivated by the faith of patriarchal clan system based on blood lineage, and did not demonstrate this proposition. Therefore, Confucius closed the texts of " Six Canons" ("六经") by the proposition of dogmatic hermeneutics, and by unquestioning interpretation of them as absolute truth -- the system of rites and music ( 礼乐制度 ) "made" by Duke Zhou. Meanwhile, the image as a follower is also a necessary hermeneu- tical preparation for Confucius to become a Saint of moral king without crown. As we all know, there is an important principle "Scripture interprets Scripture" in biblical interpreta- tion of western theological hermeneufics. Likewise, a similar principle on interpreting "Six Canons" or Thirteen Canons 《十三经》 occurred in Chinese hermeneutics of Confucian Canons. In accordance with this principle about the meaning from the original structure and pragmatics of characters, "shu (述)" is "following", and "zuo (作)" is "making up" and "making the rise". Because of over-interpretation, however, Yang Bojun ( 杨伯峻) misread "following without making up anything of my own and without making the rise of my own as Saint, believing in and loving the ancients" as " expounding and not composing, loving the ancient culture in a faithful attitude", and degraded this proposition of hermeneutics of Confucian Canons into a proposition of literary hermeneufics.
作者 杨乃乔
出处 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期1-37,共37页 Comparative Literature in China
关键词 孔子 中国经学诠释学 自解原则 独断论诠释学 信仰 误读 过度诠释 创造性诠释 Confucius Chinese hermeneutics of Confucian Canons Scripture interpretsScripture dogmatic hermeneutics faith misreading over-interpretation creative interpre-tation
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