目的利用功能磁共振成像技术(function magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI),探讨慢性腰背痛患者在静息状态下脑内功能连接情况。方法对15例慢性腰背痛患者在静息状态下进行MR扫描,选择双侧前扣带回后部(posterior anterior cingulated cortex,p ACC)作为种子点,分析其脑内功能连接情况,采用两样本t检验方法与年龄分布相同的健康对照组进行比较。结果与正常对照组相比,慢性腰背痛患者在静息状态下多个脑区与p ACC的功能连接存在异常:双侧距状回及邻近后扣带回、前额叶中内侧及邻近前扣带回、左侧中央前回及邻近中央后回、右侧扣带回中后部的功能连接减弱;右侧岛叶后部、左侧额下回(眶部、三角部)及邻近左侧岛叶前部、左侧颞上回的功能连接增强。结论静息状态下慢性腰背痛患者多个脑区与p ACC的功能连接存在异常。
Objective To investigate functional connectivity changes in chronic low back pain in the resting brain by using magnetic resonance imaging.Methods Fifteen patients with chronic low back pain and sixteen healthy volunteers participated in the experiment. MR data acquired in the resting state were analyzed to investigate functional connectivity changes in chronic low back pain patients and controls, while bilateral posterior anterior cingulated cortex were chosen as seed point.Results Compared to control group, functional connectivity in chronic low back pain patients is abnormal, including decreased functional connectivity and increased functional connectivity. The brain area of decreased functional connectivity includes bilateral calcarine, bilateral medial frontal gyrus, left precentral gyrus and postcentral gyrus, right middle and posterior cingulate gyrus. The brain area of increased functional connectivity includes right insula, left inferior frontal gyrus and left superior temporal gyrus.Conclusion Functional connectivity between some brain areas with posterior anterior cingulated cortex is abnormal in chronic low back pain patients.
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI
广东省中医药管理局课题(编号2011 2113)