
山东地区大肠杆菌的耐药性及分子分型研究 被引量:14

Molecular classification and drug resistance analysis of Escherichia coli in Shandong Province
摘要 目的 了解山东地区肉鸡养殖环节大肠杆菌的分布情况,初步揭示山东地区大肠杆菌分离株的耐药性及分子流行规律和特征,为该菌的分子溯源及风险评估提供依据。方法 选取山东地区2000—2012年肉鸡养殖场分离的42株大肠杆菌为研究对象,用13种抗菌药物进行药物敏感性试验,选用脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)及多位点序列分型(MLST)两种分型方法对菌株进行分析。结果 PFGE方法可分为34个带型,菌株之间的相似系数为60%~100%,带型比较分散,未发现绝对优势的带型;MLST方法得到18个序列型(ST),菌株的7个管家基因均有不同程度的变异;耐药性结果显示,42株菌均为多重耐药,对氨苄西林(AM)、复方新诺明(SXT)和氧氟沙星(NOR)的耐药率较高,分别为97.62%、92.86%和90.48%。结论 山东省部分地区肉鸡养殖场中大肠杆菌耐药谱较广,耐药现象比较严重,菌株基因呈多态性,菌株分布具有一定的时间性和地区性。 Objective To understand the distribution of Escherichia coli in poultry and to reveal the drug resistance and molecular epidemic and characteristics of isolates from Shandong Province, and to provide science basis for the risk assessment. Methods A total of 42 E. coli isolates were analyzed with drug sensitivity test for 13 antimicrobial agents, and analyzed with PFGE and MLST genotyping. Results The PFGE genotyping of 42 isolates yielded 34 PFGE types. MLST analysis of isolates identified 18 STs, and the 7 housekeeping genes had different variation. All isolates were resistant to two or three antimicrobial agents, and the highest resistance was to AM, SXT and NOR, which was 97.62% , 92.86% and 90. 48%, respectively. Conclusion The resistant spectrum of E. coli was wide and serious, gene was polymorphism, and the distribution had a certain timeliness and regional in parts of Shandong Province.
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 2015年第2期109-114,共6页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
基金 国家农产品质量安全风险评估重大专项-2014年(GJFP2014007) 山东省科技发展计划项目(2014GSF120006)
关键词 大肠杆菌 耐药性 脉冲场凝胶电泳 多位点序列分型 食源性致病菌 Escherichia coli drug resistance pulsed field gel electrophoresis muhilocus sequence typing analysis foodborne pathogens
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