Objective Detecting moving targets in moving camera environments from video stream is a fundamental step in many computer vision applications, such as intelligent visual surveillance, human-machine interaction, and content-based video coding. Background subtraction is generally regarded as an effective method for extracting foreground objects. Given the existence of extensive literature regarding background subtraction, most existing methods assume a stationary camera. This assumption limits the applicability of these methods to moving camera scenarios. Background is a complex environment that usually includes distracting motions, which make the task more challenging. In addition, with the development of coding techniques, high-definition videos have become widely used. Thus, extracting and updating background images become complex and time-consuming processes. To solve this problem, a fast target detection method is proposed on the basis of motion vectors. Method The data format and decoding features of surveillance videos are analyzed in this study. Subsequently, methods by which to obtainmotion vectors directly from a video stream are determined, and results confirm the method validity by comparing the motion vectors extracted through this method with those extracted using the H. 264 Visa business software. Moreover, the motion vectors are normalized by considering the reference frames, thus preventing the emergence of singular motion vectors and making the distribution of the motion vectors more reasonable. Global motion is detected according to 3σ theory, and different compensation algorithms are proposed for various scenarios. Finally, targets are extracted by analyzing the statistical property of motion vectors. Result Detecting moving targets from a moving camera is difficult. For conventional methods, moving background is not always considered, and systems that have a delayed response to background changes are unsuitable for this situation. To meet the real-time performance requirements of the system, m
Journal of Image and Graphics
moving camera
high-speed moving target
motion vector
3σ theory
target detection