"Sanction" should not be used as the criterion to determine whether an administrative measure is an administrative punishment or not in individual cases because the two elements of sanc- tion, the "illegality" of administrative counterpart' s behavior and the "additional adverse effect" of an administrative measure on the counterpart, are themselves incomplete. Whether a controversial ad- ministrative measure is deemed as an administrative punishment has a direct bearing on the probability of achieving the expected results of the relevant statutes, such as upholding administrative counter- parts' rights and interests, ensuring law-based administration, guaranteeing the effectiveness of ad- ministration, maintaining the stability of law, and realizing the principle of procedural economy. The appropriate approach to the determination of administrative punishment in individual cases might be maintaining formal criteria of determination while cutting down on the functional elements which are unnecessary to be taken into account in individual cases, and hence focusing on the significance of the various conflicting functions by which the conclusions could be drawn. Categorizing cases on the basis of accumulation of relevant judgments enable such functional consideration to become rationalized gradually.
Chinese Journal of Law
controversial administrative measure, administrative punishment, individual case con-sideration, administrative punishment law