
领导代表性研究现状及未来展望 被引量:6

Review and Future Prospects on Leader Embodiment
摘要 对领导有效性的探索一直是领导力研究的核心议题,其中关于"领导代表性"的研究吸引了越来越多的关注。已有研究显示,领导作为团队(组织)中的一员,其对团队或组织共享特征的代表性程度越高,领导的有效性就越强。为全面回顾领导代表性的研究现状,本文从其源起及演变着手,阐述了领导代表性的两种研究范式(领导的团队代表性与领导的组织代表性)及其对应的测量方式,梳理了领导代表性研究对以往领导理论(包括领导分类理论、魅力型和变革型领导理论以及领导一部属交换理论等)的拓展,总结了领导代表性的影响因素、作用机制及其边界条件。在对近年来的主要研究成果进行梳理与总结的基础上,提出了未来研究的可行方向和建议。 How to improve leader effectiveness has long been the core issue of leadership research. Among these investigations, studies on leader embodiment have currently attracted more and more attention. Research shows that the higher the degree leaders represent the group or organization, the more effective they are. In order to better understand leader embodiment and further advance leadership research in this field, we first illustrate the theoretical origin and definition of leader embodiment as well as its measurement, and then analyze its development over previous leadership theory. We also summarize the determinants, influencing mechanisms as well as moderators of leader embodiment in this paper, in order to build a general framework for understanding. The results show that there are two different types of definition concerning leader embodiment. One is referred to as leader group prototypicality while the other is named as supervisor organizational embodiment. Both definitions describe the extent of leader shared identity with the group or organization although there are three differences. Corresponding to these two different definitions are two typical measurements, but both of which ignored how to build team shared norms by supervisors. Studies on leader embodiment highlight the importance of social identification and social identity salience. Identification/salience not only affects the importance of leader prototypes versus leader stereotypes as determinants of leadership perceptions, but also affects the impact of group-oriented versus interpersonal leadership as described in LMX theory, and affects the effectiveness of group-oriented versus interpersonal aspects of charismatic leadership. These findings also enrich other leadership theories and provide a feasible framework for future integration of leadership research. With regard to the determinants and mechanism as well as moderators of leader embodiment, we summarized previous literature and got a relatively clear understanding of leader embodiment..
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期190-199,共10页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于社会比较理论的多层面差异化交换及其对职业经理多重偏差行为的影响过程与治理机制研究"(71102102) 国家自然科学基金项目"中国家族企业职业经理的双重代表性及其影响"(71372144) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"多层次导向的变革型领导对中国家族企业微观创新及绩效的影响机制研究"(12wkpy17)
关键词 代表性 团队代表性 组织代表性 社会认同 领导有效性 representativeness group prototypicality organizational embodiment social identification leader effectiveness
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