目的探讨个性化护理在单采粒细胞献血者的应用。方法在常规护理的基础上,针对每个献血者的特点给予个性化的护理,对362例单采粒细胞献血者利用血细胞分离机进行单采粒细胞的采集,利用血细胞分析仪进行中性粒细胞、红细胞混入量(Hct)等指标的检测。结果 362例单采粒细胞产品质量均符合国家相关规定标准要求;初次捐献粒细胞的献血者不良反应的发生率为2.54%,较再次献血者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),主要表现为口唇及四肢麻木等早期症状的枸橼酸盐中毒或低钙反应;初次献血与再次献血者满意度相比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论做好单采粒细胞献血者的个性化护理工作,既保障了献血者的身体健康,同时也保证了单采粒细胞产品质量关键。
Objective To explore the application of individualized nursing in collection of granulocytes of blood donors. Methods Based on routine nursing, individualized nursing was giv- en to different donors according to their features. And the granulocytes of 362 blood donors were collected by blood cell separator, the indicators of neutrophils granulocytes and erythrocytes hemat- ocrit(Hct)were detected. Results The quality of granulocytes of 362 blood donors were in accor- dance with the national standards. The difference in incidence of first time donors (2.54%) was statistically significant compared with that of the duplicated donors. And the adverse reactions of first time donors included early symptoms of citrate toxicity such as numbness of lips and limbs as well as low calcium reaction. Conclusion Individualized nursing could not only maintain the health of blood donors but also guarantee the quality of granulocytes collection.
Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
sole granulocytes collection
voluntary blood donation
individualized nurs-ing