采用MTT法研究了高效氯氰菊酯和氯菊酯对果蝇胚胎S2、草地贪夜蛾卵巢Sf-9细胞系以及人子宫颈癌He La细胞系、人肝癌Hep G2细胞系和人胚胎肾上皮HEK293细胞系等细胞活力的影响。结果表明:高效氯氰菊酯和氯菊酯对供试细胞表现为抑制细胞活力或促进细胞增殖的双重作用。当两种药剂质量浓度大于50μg/m L时,其对S2、Sf-9、He La和Hep G2细胞活力的抑制作用随药剂质量浓度的升高和暴露时间的延长而显著增强,但两者对供试细胞活力抑制作用的IC50值间没有显著差异;10和25μg/m L的处理均能促进S2和Sf-9细胞增殖,而10-200μg/m L的处理则均能强烈促进HEK293细胞增殖,但该促进作用随暴露时间的延长而逐渐减弱,此外,10、25和50μg/m L的氯菊酯能显著促进He La细胞增殖;Hep G2细胞对两种药剂的敏感性显著强于He La细胞。吖啶橙细胞染色试验表明:100μg/m L的高效氯氰菊酯和氯菊酯能引起He La细胞形变、固缩或坏死;高效氯氰菊酯对细胞的作用速度比氯菊酯快,而相同浓度的氯菊酯对人细胞增殖的促进作用强于高效氯氰菊酯。
Effect of β-cypermethrin and permethrin on the viability of Drosophila embryo $2 cells, Spodoptera frugiperda Sf-9 cells, human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells, human hepatoceUular carcinoma HepG2 cells and human embryonic kidney HEK293 cells was investigated by using MTT method. The results showed that β-cypermethrin and permethrin could inhibit cell viability as well as promote cell proliferation. The inhibitory effects of β-cypermethrin and permethrin with concentration more than 50 μg/mL on the cell viability of $2, Sf-9, HeLa and HepG2 significantly enhanced as the concentration increased and exposure time prolonged, but there was no significant difference between the IC50 values of β-cypermethrin and permethrin. However, 10 or 25 p.g/mL fl-cypermethrin and permethrin could promote the proliferation of S2 and Sf-9 cells, and 10 -200 μg/mL of β-cypermethrin and permethrin could strongly promote the proliferation of HEK293 cells, but this effect was gradually weakened as the exposure time prolonged. Moreover, 10, 25, or 50 μg/mL permethrin could significantly enhance the proliferation of HeLa cells. HepG2 cells were more sensitive to/3-cypermethrin and permethrin than HeLa cells. Acridine orange staining showed that 100 μg/mL β-cypermethrin and permethrin could cause HeLa cell deformation, pyknosis and necrosis. The action of β-cypermethrin on cell viability was faster than that of permethrin at the same concentration, and permethrin was more powerful in promoting the proliferation of human cells than β-cypermethrin.
Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science