通过对不同配方的筛选,确定了10%醚菊酯水悬浮剂最佳配方:醚菊酯的有效成分为10%,NPEPO_4为4.5%,高效聚硅氧烷为0.8%,黄原胶为0.9%,苯甲酸钠0.8%,水补足至100%。试验结果表明:该产品悬浮率90%以上,热贮[(54±2)℃,14 d]分解率<5%,产品各项指标符合悬浮剂的要求。
In this paper,the optimized formulation of ethofenprox 10%suspension concentrate(SC) was studied by screening a large number of different formulations.The optimized formulation of ethofenprox 10%suspension concentrate(SC) was phenothrin 10%, NPEPO_4 4.5%,high efficient polysiloxane 0.8%,xanthan gum 0.9%,sodium benzoate 0.8%,and water added to 100%.The performance tests of the product showed that the suspension rate was over 90%,the decomposition rate of its active ingredient was less than 5%at 54℃±2℃within two weeks.All of them reach the quality standard of water dispersible granule.
World Pesticide