
环保投资与工业污染减排关系的进一步检验——基于治理投资结构的门槛效应分析 被引量:31

Further Inspection towards the Relationship between Environmental Protection Investment and Industrial Pollution Reduction——Threshold Effect Analysis Based on Governing Investment Structure
摘要 环保投资是否以及如何影响工业污染减排,现有理论和实证研究尚未形成共识。为此,本文运用广义矩估计法测算出环保投资的工业污染减排效应及地区差异性,并基于不同治理投资结构检验了环保投资与工业污染减排的非线性关系。结果显示,环保投资对工业污染减排存在正向影响,但不同地区的污染减排强度对环保投资的反应存在差异性。此外,环保投资和工业污染减排之间呈现倒"U"型关系,具有显著的双重门槛效应,即环保投资对工业污染减排的效应只有在特定的治理投资结构区间内才能发挥作用。本文政策涵义明显:加大环保投资规模,优化治理资金配置水平以提高环保投资的使用效率。同时,政府切忌走人盲目加大环保投资规模的误区,应根据各地区的现实情况改善治理投资结构,积极引导社会资金融入工业污染源治理这一领域。 Since the reform and opening up, China has experienced rapid economic growth. In the past 30 years, China has made a great economic miracle with an average annual GDP growth of 9.8%. However, behind the economic prosperity, the environmental problems have evoked widespread social concern. The severe environmental reality makes it imperative to rethink our country's economic development strategy and the national environmental policy. With such environmental problems, questions may arise:Does the country not pay enough attention to the en- vironment? Does the country not have enough investment in the environment? However, according to the government work report, it cannot be said that the investment in the environmental protection (EP) is small, but still few im- provement can be seen in the environmental problems. Domestic and international scholars have made abundant theoretical and empirical studies on the relationship between the environmental protection investment and industrial pollution reduction, and come to three different pre- liminary conclusions : positive correlation, negative correlation and irrelevant. Later the scholars, constantly taking such factors as EP investment and governance structure into consideration based on Stokey Aghion model,find that it is the crux for sustainable development to have the governance structure and EP investment contribution rate grea- ter than a certain critical value in the long run. Further studies find that governance investment structure will affect the EP investment and industrial pollution reduction. Nonlinear logic relationship between EP investment and indus- trial pollution reduction is implied in the above conclusions. Therefore, it is necessary to add the governance invest- ment structure into the above questions for further discussion. To verify the nonlinear logic relationship between EP investment and industrial pollution reduction under the governance investment structure,this paper uses the data of "three wastes" discharge and enviro
作者 高明 黄清煌
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期167-177,共11页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 福建省社会科学规划项目"技术路线图导向的大气污染防治产业技术联盟形成与稳定性研究"(2014A035) 福建省软科学研究项目"福建省大气污染防治产业技术路线图制定与升级路径研究"(2015)
关键词 环保投资 工业污染减排 治理投资结构 门槛效应 environmental investment industrial pollution reduction governing investment structure threshold effect
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