Objectlve To screen the quantitative evaluation index for the clinical competence of physician, establish the quantitative evaluation model, and explore the quantitative evaluation method of the clinical competence of physician. Methods The present situation of the quantitative evaluation of clinical competence and its necessary in physician were evaluated. The screening of quantitative evaluation index and designing of evaluation framework were carried out by the methods of literature and system analysis based on the actual health human resource management. Delphi method and ana- lytic hierarchy process were adopted to improve the evaluation index system. The quantitative evaluation model was estab- lished on designing the survey questionnaire by employing a weighting method according to the index system for the clini- cal competence of physician. Results 136 questionnaires were handed out,the recovery rate was 100% ,effective rate was 97%, respectively. The evaluation index system was screened through the three dimensions of the level of work perform- ance, business and professional ethics, and 33 clinical competence evaluation indexes were selected, and the quantitative evaluation process was developed;while the judgment matrix was established on the basis of the relative importance of va- rious factors in each level by SAATY' s 1-9 sealing method for expert eonsuhation;A judgment was formed by pairwise comparison,and the weighted assessment was concluded. Conclusions To establish a quantitative evaluation model for the clinical competence of physician is imperative. The index system which included 33 clinical competence evaluation in- dexes in three dimensions covering the performance, level of business and professional ethics of physician is consistent with the nature and characteristics of physician. This quantitative evaluation system, with strong operability, can achieve a comprehensive and systematic evaluation outcome for the professional achievements, work quality, efficiency and economic benef
Chinese Journal of General Practice
安徽省蚌埠医学院人文社会科学研究重点项目(BYKY14103sk ZD)
Clinical competence
Assessment model