运用特尔菲(Delphi)方法,对省卫生厅及3所综合性三级甲等医院46位专家进行了两轮问卷咨询,根据专家 评价情况和建议,初步建立了住院医师规范化培训基地评价指标体系(包括一级指标9项,二级指标42项),为各省、市卫 生行政部门评价和完善住院医师规范化培训基地提供了参考依据。
In the researches, the method of Delphi is used to interview 46 specialists from three different grade A hospitals and the department of health in tow questionnaires. According to the results of questionnaires, initial target system of evaluating the standardized base for training residents has been set up, which including 9 items of first target and 42 items of second target for reference of the provincial and city administrative institution of health to evaluate and better the standardized base for training residents
Chinese Hospital Management