运用改进的主成分分析法和经验法结合确定评价指标体系,应用DEAP 2.1软件对辽宁建筑业产能效率进行Multi-stage和Malmquist分析,选取BC2产出角度模型,从省域和省内两个方向对比分析结果,得出结论:辽宁省建筑业整体产能效率目前位于全国前列,但技术水平的发挥仍然存在问题;丹东、锦州、辽阳和盘锦在辽宁省内建筑业产能效率偏低.同时提出简要建议,希望能为辽宁省建筑业更快发展献言献策.
The evaluation index system is determine by the improved principal component analysis method and experience method,and the Liaoning construction industry production efficiency is analyzed with multi-stage and Malmquist applying the DEAP2. 1 software. The BC2-output model is selected,and comparative analysis is conducted for the results between provinces and within Liaoning province. It is demonstrated that the overall production efficiency of the construction industry in Liaoning province is currently located in the forefront of China,but the exertion of the technology level is still problematic. Dandong,Jinzhou,Liaoyang and Panjin in Liaoning province have low production efficiency. Some suggestions are proposed,hoping to contribute to the further development of construction industry in Liaoning province.
Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University