背景:骨转换标志物是骨骼重建过程中,存在于血液或尿液中的产物,可用于评价骨吸收和骨形成率是否正常,提示潜在的骨骼疾病。目的:分析运动对血液和尿样本中骨转换标志物水平的影响。方法:计算机检索PubMed数据库和万方医学网相关文献,英文检索词为"bone formation,bone resorption,alkaline phosphotase,osteocalcin PICP,PINP,hydroxyproline,Pyridinoline,Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase";中文检索词为"骨形成;骨吸收;碱性磷酸酶;骨钙素;PICP和PINP,羟脯氨酸,吡啶啉和脱氧吡啶啉,抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶"。收集运动对骨形成生化标志物影响的相关文章48篇进行探讨。结果与结论:运动对骨转换的影响主要是对骨形成和骨吸收的影响,通过促进或抑制成骨细胞和破骨细胞的发育,提高或抑制成骨细胞和破骨细胞的活性,对骨重建起加速或延迟的作用。近年来研究表明,运动越来越多地作用于骨骼,而骨转换标志物较之于骨密度更早地出现变化。通过检测血、尿样本中骨转换标志物的水平,了解骨组织新陈代谢的情况,对于评价骨代谢状态、骨质疏松诊断分型、预测骨折风险,观察药物治疗的疗效,以及代谢性骨病的鉴别诊断等有重要意义。
BACKGROUND:Bone turnover markers are the products in the blood or urine in the process of bone reconstruction, which can be used to evaluate bone resorption and bone formation rate, thereby indicating potential bone diseases. OBJECTIVE:To analyze the effect of exercise on the levels of bone turnover markers in the blood and urine samples. METHODS:Databases of PubMed and Wangfang were retrieved with key words of“bone formation, bone resorption, alkaline phosphotase, osteocalcin PICP, PINP, hydroxyproline, pyridinoline, tartrate resistant acid phosphatase”by screening titles and abstracts to search papers related to exercise effects on the biological markers of bone formation. Final y, 48 papers were discussed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The effect of exercise on bone turnover refers to the influence on bone formation and bone resorption. Exercise enhances or inhibits the activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and accelerates or delays bone reconstruction by promoting or inhibiting the growth of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. In recent years, exercise exhibits more and more influence on the bone. Bone turnover markers compared with bone mineral density show changes earlier. By measuring the levels of bone turnover markers in blood and urine samples, it help us to understand the metabolism of bone tissue, to evaluate bone metabolic state, osteoporosis diagnosis classification, predicting of fracture risk, to observe the curative effect of drug treatment, and to diagnosis the metabolic bone differential disease.
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research