目的通过监测心电图来评价高压氧治疗高原脱习服的疗效。方法将驻守在海拔5 000 m以上哨卡6个月以上的85名青年官兵随机分成两组:高压氧组60例,高压氧治疗1次/2 d,共治疗5次;对照组25例接受常规疗养。两组治疗前后,分别用实测法与目测法测定顺钟向转位例数、额面电轴、电轴右偏例数、无人区电轴例数、J波例数、SⅠS_ⅡS_Ⅲ综合征例数、R>0.5 mV例数、R为主波例数等指标。结果与治疗前比较,顺钟向转位例数、电轴右偏例数、SⅠS_ⅡS_Ⅲ综合征例数、R>0.5 mV例数、R为主波例数均显著减少(P<0.05或P<0.01),额面电轴有显著统计学差异(P<0.01);与对照组比较,额面电轴有显著统计学差异(P<0.01),其余各项指标差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论高压氧治疗可快速改善海拔5 000 m以上地区脱习服官兵的心电图特征,说明高压氧脱习服疗效确切。
Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of hyperbaric oxygen on high altitude deacclimatization by monitoring the electrocardiogram. Methods A total of 85 servicemen stationed at checkpoints higher than 5000 m ( above sea level) and longer than 6 months were divided into hyperbaric oxygen group ( n = 60 ) and control group ( n = 25 ) at random. The hyperbaric oxygen group received hyperbaric oxygen therapy one time every two days for 5 times. The control group received common resting therapy. Before and after treatments, measured method and visualization method were separately applied to the detection of the case numbers of clockwise rotation, frontal axis, right axis deviation, no man land' s axis, J wave, SⅠSⅡSⅢ syndromes, R 〉 0.5 mV and R-oriented, etc. Results Compared with before treatment, the case numbers of clockwise rotation, right axis deviation, R 〉 0.5 mV and R-oriented significantly decreased (P 〈 0.05, P 〈 0.01 ) , and there was a significant difference in frontal axis (P 〈 0.01 ). Compared with the control group, there was a significant difference in frontal axis (P 〈0.01 ), and the rest of the indexes showed no significant differences ( P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can rapidly improve the electrocardiogram characteristic features of servicemen stationed at over 5,000 m during deacclimatization, indicating that hyperbaric oxygen is effective on deacclimatization.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
high altitude
hyperbaric oxygen