
促进新教师成长的有效途径研究——以4位城市小学新教师为个案 被引量:27

Effective Ways of Promoting the Growth of New Teachers——Case Study of Four Primary School New Teachers in the City
摘要 本研究以北京市四位新教师为个案,分析当前我国促进新教师发展各途径的效果、问题及建议。研究发现,我国已形成了促进新教师发展的制度化途径,对新教师予以全方位引领和支持,师徒制是其中最有效的途径。但这些途径更多关注新教师的教学能力,对班主任工作能力和教师情感文化方面的支持有限,实操层面的培训缺乏系统性和计划性。研究建议:制定全方位帮扶新教师计划;调整过度关注操作技能层面的做法;全面改进师徒制;提升区教研员对新教师发展的责任;建立校本教研与师徒制相结合培养新教师的专业学习共同体。 In this study, four new teachers in Beijing as case studies to be analyzed the ways to promote the development of new teachers on the effect of their development, problems, and suggestions for improvement. The study found that the promoting the development of new teachers in China now have already build up the institutionalized ways to lead and help new teachers, and the apprenticeship is the most effective way. But the downsides are that more ways support for new teachers' teaching work but short of their emotion and classroom work, and the new teacher' s training works are lack of systematic planning. Based on the findings, this paper is to develop a comprehensive system for helping new teachers ; to adjust the excessive attention about skills practice; to construct a better apprenticeship systematically; to given the task of training new teachers for the district teaching research staff institutionalized; to build professional learning community that combine the school-based teaching learning group and apprenticeship together for the development of new teachers.
作者 胡艳 周逸先
出处 《教师教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期54-60,46,共8页 Teacher Education Research
基金 国家社会科学基金"十二五"规划2011年教育学一般课题(BAA110012)阶段性成果
关键词 新教师 教研员 师徒制 教研/备课组 教研活动 new teacher district teaching research staff apprenticeship teaching learning research group teaching research activities
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