Corporation crime is an important and common type of the unit crime in China. The concept of corporation crime should include the corporation subject, the corporation will and the corporation action. And the concept should include intentional crime and negligent crime. Whether a corporation' s action can be judged as a crime depends on the general provisions in criminal law of China and the specific details about dif- ferent charges. The theory basis of the corporation' s culpability should regard corporation as a relatively inde- pendent subject. In addition, different company systems and the expected aim of penalty for company crime are also the essential elements which should be considered. The corporation can commit both intentional crimes and negligent crimes. And the latter include the vocational negligence and the supervision management negligence. What kind of natural person should be held liable for the corporation' s crime actions? That depends on the nat- ural person' s status trait and action trait. The ihtentional crime and negligence crime, corporations of different forms also have different natural persons to take criminal responsibility. According to Chinese Company Law, one-man corporation is a kind of new corporation form. If the one-man corporation which has only one natural stockholder commits a crime, the stockholder should take the criminal responsibility instead of the corporation because the one-man corporation has no corporation will. The one-man corporation' s crime act is the natural stockholder' s crime act actually.
Modern Law Science
corporation crime
unit' crime
theoretical basis of corporation
criminal responsibility
cor- poration negligence crime
one-man company