
国外图书馆行业组织LIS教育认证标准及其质量控制要素研究 被引量:6

LIS Program Accreditation Standards Developed by Professional Association and Quality Control Elements in Developed Countries
摘要 在美国、英国和澳大利亚等发达国家已经形成了政府、大学和专业团体合作发展和提供图书馆与情报学教育的质量保障制度,图书馆行业组织在制定专业教育质量标准、进行教育项目认证、确保专业教育质量和专业人员资格准入方面起着关键作用。国际层面,IFLA通过制定教育指南努力建立国际统一的教育质量保障机制。美国图书馆协会的认证层次为硕士教育层次,英国、澳大利亚和IFLA认证或规范层次则包括本科和硕士层次。这些国家和组织所制定的LIS教育项目认证标准中基本涵盖了如下质量要素:项目使命和培养目标、学生学习结果(专业知识和能力、通用技能、专业伦理和价值观)、课程内容、课程设计和提供方式、教师队伍、学生、行政管理和经费、支持资源、系统规划和评估等。在当前高等教育质量评估或保障机制趋向结果导向背景下,学生学习结果这一要素的重要性日益凸显。 Professional education quality assurance systems of Library and information studies were developed under cooperation of government, university and professional bodies in US, UK and Australia. Professional bodies, such as ALA, CILIP, ALIA, played an important role in developing educational standards and course accreditation. IFLA devoted to develop an international quality assurance model for equivalency and reciprocity of qualification. The accrediting program level in US was master degree. Bachelor and postgraduate level program were both accredited in UK and Australia. There were several quality elements in the current standards or guidelines which included program mission, goals and objectives; student learning outcome, such as professional core knowledge and competences, general skills, and professional ethics and values; curriculum, such as course content, design and deliver system; faculty and staff; students; administration management and fund; resources; and systematic plan and evaluation. Students leaning outcome were central in current LIS professional education quality assurance system under outcome-oriented higher education evaluation context.
出处 《图书情报知识》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期12-25,共14页 Documentation,Information & Knowledge
关键词 图书馆与情报学专业教育 质量保障制度 教育认证标准 质量要素 内容分析法 LIS professional program Quality assurance system Accreditation standards Quality elements Content analysis method
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