在60—100℃条件下,选择烘箱和流化床分别对餐厨垃圾干燥过程的水分变化动力学特性进行研究,并运用4个模型进行数学拟合处理。结果表明:温度对餐厨垃圾干燥过程的影响显著,随着温度的增加,餐厨垃圾样品的含水率(质量分数)和水分比均快速下降,相同温度下,流化干燥达到平衡含水率所需时间远小于烘箱干燥;餐厨垃圾干燥过程的动力学特性可以用Page模型很好地进行模拟和预测;研究中所用的餐厨垃圾样品,其有效湿分扩散系数在烘箱干燥和流化干燥中分别为3.35×10-10—2.43×10-9,1.00×10-7—2.20×10-7m2/s;活化能分别为46.52,21.93 kJ/mol;餐厨垃圾流化干燥的效率比烘箱干燥要高得多。
With dry oven and simple fluidized-bed as heating reactors respectively,the moisture depletion process and drying kinetics of restaurant garbage at different levels of drying air temperature( 60-100 ℃) were studied.Four mathematical models were compared to estimate the regularity of moisture ratio change in different drying processes. The results show that the drying temperature is an important factor,and higher drying temperature leads a rapidly fall in moisture content and decreases the time of moisture equilibrium,of which fluidized drying requires much less time than oven drying. The Page model can satisfactorily describe the precision of drying curve of restaurant garbage. The effective moisture diffusion coefficient and active energy of restaurant garbage in oven drying process are 3. 35 × 10^- 10^-2. 43 × 10^- 9m^2/s,46. 52 kJ /mol,respectively; and that in fluidized drying process are 1. 00 × 10^- 7-2. 20 × 10^- 7m^2/s,21. 93 kJ /mol,respectively. The efficiency of fluidized drying is much higher than that of oven drying.
Chemical Engineering(China)