经过长期谈判,中俄天然气东线协议形成框架,乌克兰变局促进其成功。合同要求2008年开始输气,逐年增加输气量,到2023年起年输气量380×108m3,合同期限30年,涉及金额4 000亿美元以上。业界认为能否按时足量供气尚有某些不确定性。增加互信,促进求同并抓住有利时机是谈判成功的重要条件。如进一步发展两国关系,促成东、西线二期实现和中亚输气量增加,2030年前后从北、西两方向年输气可望达1 500×108m3。世界油气供销格局的变化有利于中国油气进口,也迫使俄罗斯更加努力地开拓向东亚的出口。中俄日益增加的油气贸易将大力促进两国全面战略合作伙伴关系的提升。
After a long negotiation, the contract of Sino-Russian Natural-gas Supply via the Eastern Gas Pipeline was finally signed,which also benefited greatly from the Ukraine situation. As required in this contract, gas transmission began from 2008 and then gas delivery capacity should be increased year by year; from 2023, the annual capacity will reach 380×108m3; and the total cost is over $400 billion during the 30-year contract period. However, industry figure thinks whether the adequate gas supply will be on time or not is still uncertain. Increasing the mutual trust, seeking the common ground,and seizing the good chance could be the key terms to a successful negotiation without any doubt. If the bilateral relationship may develop further to make the phase two of gas transmission via both eastern and western pipelines into shape and to let the gas delivery capacity of Middle Asia grow, the annual capacity from the north and the west is going to be 1 500×108m3around 2030. All changes happened on global oil and gas supply and marketing structure make a contribution to China's oil and gas import. Meanwhile, they also urge Russia to make more efforts to export oil and gas to East Asia. Owing to gradual increase of Sino-Russia oil and gas trades,their over all strategy partnership will improve immeasurably.
Natural Gas Technology and Economy
China,Russia,strategic cooperation,gas import,contract,global oil and gas supply and marketing structure