
公众食品安全监管满意现状及影响因素分析 被引量:7

Study on the Status and the Determinants of the Satisfaction about Food Safety Regulatory among the Public
摘要 目的了解公众对食品安全监管的满意现状及其影响因素。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,对浙江省7 550名常住人口进行问卷调查。结果有效问卷7 460份,有效回收率为98.81%。公众最担心肉制品类和违规使用添加剂的安全隐患,最常遇到食品过期变质问题。公众对监管现状和监管工作满意度受到了无证无照现象认知、宣传工作力度、打击违法行为力度、投诉举报畅通程度、性别和文化程度6个共同因素影响,监管现状满意度还受到了居住地、职业和不安全食品经历其他3个因素影响。结论公众对食品安全监管的评价不容乐观,应不断加大食品安全监管力度,加强城郊结合部的治理工作,从根本上减少和杜绝不安全食品,增强公众对食品安全的信心和安全感。 Objectives To investigate the status and the determinants of the satisfaction about food safety regulation among the public.Methods Multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used to select 7 550 permanent population in Zhejiang province to carry out the questionnaire survey.Results A total of 7 460 valid questionnaires were responded,the ef-fective rate was 98.81%.The most worried food type and food safety hazard was meat and illegal use of additives respectively. The most frequently encountered problem was food expired metamorphic.The common six influencing factors about consumer satisfaction of food safety regulatory status quo and supervision were unlicensed phenomenon cognitive,food safety propaganda work dynamics,strength of food illegal behavior,unblocked degree of complaints,sex and education degree.The satisfaction with food safety regulatory status quo also was affected by residence,occupation and unsafe food experience.Conclusions The evaluation to-wards food safety regulation is not optimistic,and food safety regulation should be strengthened to preferably govern suburban districts and radically reduce and eliminate unsafe food,finally to enhance public's food safety confidence and security.
出处 《中国社会医学杂志》 2014年第4期279-282,共4页 Chinese Journal of Social Medicine
基金 浙江省食品安全工作公众满意度调查项目(2010HSN 121) 浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划(2012R421028)
关键词 食品安全 监管满意度 影响因素 Food safety Regulatory satisfaction Determinants
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