关于行政强制执行权的划分标准 ,即究竟采取何种标准划分行政机关和人民法院之间的行政强制执行权 ,是完善我国行政强制执行制度中亟待解决的一个重要问题。然而 ,目前理论界和实务界对这一问题的认识分歧很大。文章在辨析现有认识的基础上 ,提出应当以行政强制方法为标准 ,由统一的立法普遍授予行政机关行使间接强制执行权 ,直接强制执行权则以人民法院行使为原则 ,以法律特别授权行政机关行使为例外。
The criterion of differentiating administrative enforcement power is an important issue in perfecting our courtry's administrative enforcement legal system. But at present, there is considerably different viewpoint about this area in theory and practice of administrative law. On the basis of above analysis, the article suggests that differentiating administrative enforcement power should be according to the ways of enforcement. That is to say, the indirect enforcement should be popularly given to administrative organ by unitive legislation, but the direct enforcement should be given to court of law in principle. If it's given to administrative organ, there is law authorization in particular.
Journal of South-Central Minzu University (Humanities and Social Sciences)