以黄瓜子房 (幼果 )RNA为模板 ,应用逆转录 聚合酶链式反应 (RT PCR) ,首次扩增出黄瓜生长素结合蛋白基因 (ABP1)cDNA片段 ,并进行测序和同源性分析。对ABP1基因在黄瓜子房 (幼果 )中的mRNA表达水平作了初步探讨 ,结果表明 ,该基因在开花前 1d的子房中表达信号较弱 ,在授粉后 2、4和 6d的幼果中表达增强 ;开花后 2d未经授粉的子房中 ,绿而膨大、能形成单性结实果者信号较强 ,黄而萎蔫、不能形成果实者信号较弱。Southern杂交结果表明 。
A cDNA fragment encoding auxin-binding protein 1 (ABP1) was amplified by reverse polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) from total intact RNA extracted from the ovary of cucumber (Fig.1), and its sequnce and homology (Figs.2,3) were analyzed. The degree of mRNA expression of the gene was studied in the ovary of cucumber also. It showed that the expression signals were weaker in the ovary of 1 d before anthesis, while they got stronger in 2,4 and 6 d after pollination. Among the unpollinated ovary of 2 d after anthesis those green,enlarged and forming parthenopic fruits had stronger expression signals, the others yellow-green,wilting and not forming fruits had weaker signals (Fig.1). The result of Southern blotting (Fig.4) indicated that ABP1 is encoded by a small gene family in cucumber.
Journal Of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
重庆市科委应用基础项目 (批准号 :2 0 0 1112 5 )