泥石流风险定量表达为泥石流危险度和泥石流易损度的乘积。泥石流风险管理的目的是降低风险或转移风险。泥石流风险管理主要有三种途径 :降低危险度 ,降低易损度和灾害保险。在泥石流风险管理的实际操作中 ,往往要标本兼治 ,三管齐下 ,采取降低风险和转移风险的综合措施。泥石流风险与土地规划关系密切 ,风险评价可为泥石流易发地区的土地可持续利用提供科学决策的依据。
Debris flow risk is expressed as the product of debris flow hazard and debris flow vulnerability. Debris flow risk management is to reduce or to shift debris flow risk. Generally there are three ways to manage debris flow risk: to reduce debris flow hazard, to reduce debris flow vulnerability and debris flow insurance. In practice of the risk management, the above three ways usually are comprehensively taken to reduce and to shift debris flow risk. Debris flow risk is also associated with the land use planning in debris flow prone areas. Thus Debris flow risk assessment and management can provide the scientific supports for the sustainable use in the prone areas of debris flows.
Arid Land Geography
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (重点项目 4983 10 10
重大项目 5 9890 2 0 0
面上项目 497710 0 4)