近代重大科技进步不完全由该项科学技术的进步决定 ,外部条件 ,包括政治、军事和经济等起着举足轻重的作用 ,尤其在启始阶段 ,往往政治军事的考虑是支配因素。核武器是最典型的实例 ,它导致中国核工业体系的建立。氢弹试验成功后 ,科学家的注意力转向可控核聚变的研究 ,有军事性质而处于绝密状态。我国的磁约束可控核聚变研究不同于国外 ,195 8年在原子能和平应用背景下 ,在中国原子能研究院和中国科学院物理研究所同时启动。后在“全民大办原子能”口号下扩展到几个省。几经起落 ,几经调整 ,有些单位退出 ,有些单位加入 ,至七十年代逐渐形成目前的规模。其中科学技术的固有发展规律起重要作用 ,但外部条件变化的影响不容忽视。考虑中国国情 ,充分估计今后数十年外部条件的可能变化 ,当前对磁约束可控核聚变这种国际重大科技发展要密切注意动向 ,不能与外国比装置规模 ,牢记创新是民族的灵魂 。
The modern progresses of advanced technology incompletely be decided by advancement of technique and science, but by exterior terms, including the politics, the military and the economy with prominent function, particularly in the very beginning stage, usually political and military consideration is a dominated factor. Nuclear weapon is a typical practice, leading to establishment of China Nuclear Industry. After success of hydrogen bomb, scientists turned to face controlled nuclear fusion connected to military and be placed in the top-secret. The magnetic confinement nuclear fusion study in China was different from abroad, since 1958, under the background of atom energy peaceful application, started with Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences at the same time at the China Institute of Atomic Energy. Under the slogan “All the people do the atomic', expands down to several provinces. Through rise and fall, among them, several withdrawn by adjustment, and the some unit join, gradually become to the present scale during 1970s. The regulation of spontaneous development of science and technology pays an important function, but the influence of exterior terms is not to be neglected. With consideration of the Chinese status of the nation and fully estimate possible variety of exterior terms in coming several 10-year from now, we have to pay the close attention on the trend of international and important technology, such as magnetic confinement nuclear fusion development, and can't compare the device scale with foreign country, and keep firmly in mind that creative is the race's soul, and obtain the international position with the Chinese special features.
nuclear fusion, exterior terms, spontaneous regulation of science and technique