2Department of energy's waste minimization program, P. 6. DOR/IG-0298[R]. Washington D. C. : U. S. Department of Energy, 1991. 被引量:1
3IAEA. Minimization of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle, IAEA Technical Report Series No. 377[R]. Vienna: IAEA, 1995. 被引量:1
4IAEA. The principles of radioactive waste management, IAEA Safety Series No. 111-F[R]. Vienna: IAEA, 1995. 被引量:1
5IAEA. Recycle and reuse of materials and components from waste streams of nuclear fuel cycle facilities, IAEA-TECDOC-1130 [R]. Vienna: IAEA, 1999. 被引量:1
6General environmental protection program, DOE Order 5400. 1[R]. Washington D. C.:U.S. Department of Energy, 1988. 被引量:1
7Annual waste minimization summary report cal endar year 2008, DOE/NV/25946-656 [ R] Washington D. C.: U. S. Department of Energy, 2009. 被引量:1
81997 annual report on waste generation and waste minimization progress as required by DOE Order 5400. 1, Hanford Site, DOE/RL-98-32 [ R]. Washington D. C.: U.S. Department of Energy, 1998. 被引量:1
9Hanford site annual dangerous waste report, DOE/RL-94-10[R]. Washington D. C. : U. S. Department of Energy, ]993. 被引量:1
10Hanford site waste minimization and pollution prevention awareness program plan, DOE/RL91-31[R]. Washington D. C.:U.S. Department of Energy, 1998. 被引量:1