我国古代史上发生在蒙坑的战争,重要者有四次,其中北 魏—后秦蒙坑之战、北周—北齐蒙坑之战,对历史发展都产生了深远影响。蒙坑东凭乔山, 西依汾河,横断南北三十里,乃一道独具特色的黄土冲沟天堑。本文系笔者就古来蒙坑古战 场所作野外考察报告,含蒙坑之战始末、蒙坑之战略形势、乾壁之地理位置以及相关之蒙坑 之口、新坂、天渡、贾山诸问题。
There were 4 important battles which had happened in Mengkeng in the history of ancient China,among which Northern Wei to later Qin and Northern Zhou to Northern Qi deep influenced on the development of the history.Gorge Men gkeng relies on Qiao mountain in the East of the Fen river and next to it,about 15km long.The author of this thesis have made an investigation of the ancient Me ngkeng battlefields and a study report about the beginning,the process,the resul t,and the stratigy situation of them;the geographical location of Qianbi battle and the concerned problems,such as,the mouth of Mengkeng gorge,Xinfan,Tiandu,and Jia mountain etc.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)