气温是决定植被分布的一个重要因素。通过研究我国历史上各个时期竹林分布范围的变动状况表明 ,历史上我国的气候条件经历了温暖和寒冷的几度波动 ,竹林的分布范围也相应地发生着变化。在气候较温暖的秦汉时期、隋唐时期和元朝时期 ,竹林分布到较高纬度的地方 ;在气候较寒冷的魏晋南北朝时期、南宋时期及明清时期 ,竹林的分布北界则向南移动。在温室效应引起的全球气候变暖的前景下 ,未来我国竹林的分布北界将可能会逐步北移。
Temperature is one of the most important factors that fix the distribution area of a certain vegetation type. The distribution area of bamboo forests in China was studied over a series of historic periods. In the history, China has experienced a series of fluctuation of warm and cold. Accordingly, the distribution area of bamboo has undergone a series of changes. During the relatively warm period of Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty, bamboo forests enlarged to the relatively northern areas. While during the relatively cold periods of Wei Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, South and North Dynasties, South Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, bamboo forests might re occupy some southern areas.Because of the greenhouse effect, the whole globe becomes warmer. So in the future, the northern boundary of bamboo forests will move north further.
Journal of Bamboo Research