村委会选举中村民享有的选举权是宪法和法律确认和保障的村民权利 ,是村民自治 权的内容之一 ,应纳入宪法学的研究领域。村民选举权具有基本性、法定性、政治性和自 治性特征 ,在适用法律、享有主体、权利内容、行使方式和救济方式上都与公民选举权不 同 ,是一种特殊的选举权 ,有其特定的权利范围 ,其内容包括确认权、提名权、被选举权、投 票权、救济权、罢免权和知情权等。我国现行法律法规对村民选举权的享有、限制与剥夺 做出了规定 。
Villagers' election right is featured with its fundamental, legalized, political and self-governing characteristics. It is a special type of election rights, and differs from civil election rights in terms of appropriate legal environment, right fulfillment, right coverage, patterns of right execution and defense. Its coverage involves identification right, nominee right, election right, voting right, defense rights, deposition right and information right. The current laws and regulations in China have made related rules in regard to the sharing, limiting and deprivation of villagers election rights, but these rules are far from perfect.
China Rural Survey