
护理本科生对慕课认知及需求现状的调查分析 被引量:2

Investigation and analysis of the situation of awareness and demand of MOOCs among college nursing students
摘要 目的了解本校护理本科生对慕课的认知及需求,为慕课在护理领域的进一步发展提供依据。方法选取本校1-4年级1002名护理本科生为研究对象,采用自行设计的微信网络版调查问卷,通过扫描微信二维码参与并完成问卷调查。结果共898名护生完成本次调查,仅有7.23%的调查对象表示对慕课"非常了解",而29.73%的调查对象表示"完全不了解";教师推荐、学校课程或讲座是护生了解慕课的主要途径; 15.48%的护生选择"中国大学MOOC"作为慕课平台; 76.61%的护生认为有必要开设慕课; 91.08%的护生希望中文授课; 80.29%的护生要求幕课视频时间控制在20 min内。不同年级学生对慕课认知、需求情况有所不同。结论本科护生对慕课的知晓较低,需求较大。加强学校和教师对慕课的宣传教育力度,及时了解护生对慕课的需求情况,实现慕课在护理学领域的有效推进。 Objective To get to know about the awareness and demand of MOOCs among the college students and to provide reference to assist further development of MOOCs in the field of nursing.Methods We take 1002 nursing students who are from grade 1 to grade 4 of our college as the subjects to complete the online questionnaire designed by our group in Wechat through the Wechat QR code.Results There are 898 students who finished the questionnaire and among whom only 7.23%"know about MOOCs very well"whereas 29.73% of them"never heard of it".Students get to know about MOOCs mainly by recommending by teachers and lectures and classes at school."Chinese College MOOCs"are chosen as the platform for getting MOOCs by 15.48% of the students.76.61% of them regard it is necessary to set MOOCs in their classes and 91.08% wish it to be taught in Chinese.Furthermore,80.29% of them require the time of MOOCs to be limit to 20 min.In addition,grade may have an influence on awareness and requirement of MOOC among these students.Conclusions Only few college students are aware of MOOCs but in great demand.We should enforce the publicity of MOOCs by college and teachers and be aware of the demand among students so that it will be effective to help its development in the field of nursing.
作者 陈爱香 秦志萍 CHEN Ai-xiang(Heft hospital affiliated to Changzhi Medical College,Changzhi,Shanxi,046001, China)
出处 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2018年第19期2340-2342,共3页 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
关键词 护理本科生 慕课 认知 需求 College nursing students MOOCs Awareness Demand
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