目的对上海市金山区2016年-2017年667份初筛阳性样本进行确证实验,对确证阳性样本进行免疫印迹试验(WB)条带分析,提高实验室HIV抗体检测能力,增强对WB实验结果的分析判断能力。方法对金山区各艾滋病筛查实验室送检的HIV抗体初筛阳性样品,WB确证检测。结果 667份筛查阳性标本WB阳性482份(72.26%),不确定84份(12.59%),阴性101份(15.14%);确证阳性病例主要来自自愿咨询检测和医疗机构就诊检测,不同送检来源的样品阳性率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);确证阳性样品带型以全带型及次全带型为主。结论 HIV感染的确证依赖于WB实验,WB带型的阳性判读应严格按照《全国艾滋病检测技术规范》(2015版)及试剂盒说明书,参考实际情况,谨慎判定;随着宣传力度的加大,艾滋病的自愿咨询检测得以推广,艾滋病自愿咨询检测及医疗机构检测已经成为发现HIV感染者的主要方式。
Objective To perform WB banding pattern analysis on 667 screening positive samples in Jinshan District, Shanghai during 2016-2017, improve the capacity of laboratory HIV antibody detection, and enhance the ability of analyzing and judging WB experimental results. Methods To perform Western blot(WB) on HIV antibody screening positive samples in Jinshan District. Results There were 482 WB confirmed positive samples in 667 screening positive samples, accounting for 72.26%, and 84 samples were uncertain, accounting for 12.59%;101 samples were negative, accounting for 15.14%. Confirmed positive cases mainly came from voluntary counseling and medical institutions. There was no statistical significance on the difference in the positive rate of samples from different sources(P>0.05). The major banding patterns of WB confirmed positive samples were the complete banding pattern and the sub-complete banding patterns. Conclusion The diagnosis of HIV depends on WB test. Positive judgment of WB banding pattern should be strictly in accordance with the National HIV Testing Technical Specifications(2015) and judgment should be made carefully by binding the reagent specification and referring to the actual situation. More and more people know the voluntary counseling and testing(VCT) with the increase of propaganda, and it has been a mainly way to find the infection of HIV.
YUAN Jia-chun;AN Holag-hal-;WU Hong-yan;YE Yu-long(Jiashan District Center for Disease Control and.prevention,Shanghai 201500,China)
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology