目的探讨miR-200C与miR-16在支气管哮喘患儿外周血淋巴细胞及支气管哮喘小鼠模型肺组织中的表达。方法应用real-time PCR方法检测支气管哮喘患儿与正常儿童外周血淋巴细胞miR-200C与miR-16的表达,卵蛋白致敏方法建立支气管哮喘小鼠模型,肺泡灌洗液(BALF)细胞计数,HE染色观察气道炎症。应用real-time PCR法检测哮喘组小鼠与对照组小鼠肺组织miR-200C与miR-16的表达。结果与正常儿童相比,支气管哮喘患儿外周血淋巴细胞miR-200C与miR-16表达水平显著升高(P<0.01)。哮喘小鼠模型组BALF中细胞总数及嗜酸性粒细胞数,炎症细胞浸润,肺组织miR-200C与miR-16表达水平显著高于正常对照组(P<0.01)。结论miR-200C与miR-16在支气管哮喘患儿及支气管哮喘小鼠模型中高表达。
Objective To investigate the expression of miR-200C and miR-16 in peripheral blood lymphocytes of allergic asthma children and lung of asthmatic mice. Methods The expression of miR-200 C and miR-16 in peripheral blood lymphocytes of allergic asthma children and normal children was detected by real-time PCR. The asthmatic mice model was established by ovalbumin sensitization. The number of cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF) of mice in asthmatic group was accessed, and airway inflammation was assessed by HE staining. The levels of miR-200 C and miR-16 in lung of mice were detected by real-time PCR. Results Compared with normal children, the expression of miR-200 C and miR-16 in peripheral blood lymphocytes of allergic asthma children was increased significantly, P<0.01.Compared with control group,the total inflammatory cells or eosinophils in the BALF of mice in asthmatic group was increased significantly, and inflammatory cells infiltration was higher observed by HE staining, P<0.01. Compared with control group,the level of miR-200 C and miR-16 was higher in lungs of mice in asthmatic group, P<0.01. Conclusion The expression of miR-200 C and miR-16 was up-regulation in peripheral blood lymphocytes of allergic asthma children and lung of asthmatic mice.
TIAN Yu-ying;WANG Ying;ZHANG Han;WANG Ying-wei(Department of Neonatrics,Department of Obstetrics and Childhood,Yingkou City,Liaoning Province,115003;Department of Pediatrics,Yingkou City Central Hospital,Liaoning Province,Yingkou 115003;Department of Paediatrics of Shengjing Hospital,China Medical University,Shenyang 110004,China)
Progress of Anatomical Sciences