
中小学生的智能媒体使用及其对课外阅读影响的实证研究 被引量:12

Smart Media Use and its Impact on After-school Reading among Primary and Middle School Students
摘要 在智能技术大规模兴起的背景下,本文考察中小学生对智能媒体的拥有、使用及其在当前的课外阅读情况,并探讨了使用智能媒体对他们的课外阅读有何影响。通过对上海市16个区县的公办小学和初中的学生进行整群随机抽样(N=1169),研究发现,智能媒体的拥有和使用在初中生/小学生、市区生/郊县生之间存在显著差异,男女生也略有不同;上海中小学生的课外阅读情况良好,智能媒体使用对课外阅读有一定负面影响,但较为有限;手机和平板有显著差异,手机对阅读的负作用明显,而平板对阅读和学习有一定促进作用;智能媒体的使用内容很关键,应引导学龄儿童使用学习型内容,并控制其娱乐化使用;市区生/郊县生的差异体现出区域数字鸿沟,提升落后地区儿童的数字技能是未来的努力方向。 In the contexts of rapid rise of AI technology, this paper examined the ownership and use of smart media among primary and middle school students, as well as their after-school reading situation, and explored the impact of smart media use on reading. A cluster random sampling was conducted in the public primary and middle schools in the 16 districts of Shanghai(N = 1169). It concludes that there are significant differences in the ownership and use of smart media between middle school and primary school students, urban and suburban students. Boys and girls are also slightly different. Shanghai students’ reading is quite good in general. Smart media use has a certain negative impact on students’ after-school reading, but quite limited. There are significant differences between mobile phone and tablet. The negative effect of mobile phone on reading is obvious. However, tablet has a positive effect on reading and learning. What students use on smart media is quite critical. It should be encouraged that school-age children are guided to use learning content and decrease entertainment use on smart media. The differences between urban and suburban students reflected the digital divide among different regions. Improving the digital skills of rural children is worthy of future efforts.
作者 李晓静 郑琳 Li Xiaojing;Zheng Lin(School of Media &Communication,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240)
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第12期104-112,共9页 China Educational Technology
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"智能媒体与儿童认知发展研究"(项目编号:18AXW005) 上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题"智能媒体对儿童认知 记忆与建构式学习的影响"(项目编号:2017BXW006)的研究成果
关键词 智能媒体 媒介使用 课外阅读 中小学生 Smart Media Media Use After-school Reading Primary and Middle School Students
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