目的 探讨脐血HLA AB分型方法。方法 分别采用血清学方法和PCR SSP基因定型方法对 1 0 2份脐血HLA A、B位点进行检测。结果 两方法对比分析结果显示血清学近 1 8.6 %不能得出满意结果 ,HLA A、B位点错定率分别为 6 .1 %和 1 0 .8% ,总错误率 1 6 .9%。结论 脐血HLA表达水平低 。
Serological typing for HLA A,B has been used for a long time. Recently with the development of molecular biology technologies, HLA A,B typing is now turning to genotyping methods. In our study, we evaluated the capacity of PCR SSP in solving problems in HLA A,B typing with serological methods.With this aim we compared serology with PCR SSP in 102 cord blood samples, it showed that 18.6% of serdogical typing of 102 cord blood samples couldn't give a satisfactory result,Discrepant test results between the 2 methodsoccured in 14 samples. It is mainly due to the weak expression of HLA class I cord blood Iymphocytes and the cross reaction of some antigens. Our study shows clearly that DNA typing is better than serological typing for cord blood.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
四川省卫生厅 (川卫科 970 0 5四川省科委 1997 14 75)资助