分别采用血清学方法和PCR SSP基因定型方法对 10 2份脐带血HLA A , B位点进行了检测 ,经对比分析结果显示血清学近 18.6%不能得出满意结果 ,HLA A , B位点错定率分别在6.1%和 10 .8% ,总错误率 16.9%。我们设计了 16条引物 ,以PCR SSP方法特异性扩增B15等位基因 ,并与血清学做了比较 。
Serological typing for HLA-A, -B has been used for a long time. Recently with the developing of molecular biology technologies, HLA-A, -B typing is now turning to genotyping methods. In our study, the capacity of PCR-SSP in solving problems in HLA-A, -B typing with serological methes was evaluated. With this aim the serological method was compared with PCR-SSP in 102 cord blood samples, and the results showed that 18.6% of 102 cord blood samples can′t give a satisfactory detection, for 14 samples, give discrepant results with the 2 methods. It is mainly due to weak expression of HLA class I cord blood lymphocytes and the cross reaction of some antigens. About B 15 group, the further study was made, it was found that most of the B 15 splits is wrongly disassigned, especially among the B62-B75, B75/ *1511(+)-B75/ *1511(-), B46- *1511 antigens. It was concluded that DNA typing is more preferable than serological typing, about B 15 group, the subtyping or high resolution typing can be fulfilled at first in China.
Journal of Experimental Hematology
四川省卫生厅"九五"重大项目 (川卫科 970 0 5 )
四川省科委重点项目 (川科委 1997- 14- 75 )资金资助~~