在中国现代性进程中 ,由于建立现代民族国家是最迫切的任务 ,民族主义和国家主义成为主潮。鸦片战争到五四前是民族主义和国家主义形成的时期 ,五四以后是民族主义和国家主义主导的时期。中国的民族主义与国家主义一体化 ,对外是民族主义 ,对内是国家主义。民族主义和国家主义在建立现代民族国家的斗争中发挥了主导作用 ,同时也产生了牺牲现代性的负面作用 ,这种负面作用在建国后更为明显。当前的现代性建设必须警惕民族主义的陷阱 。
In the process of China's modernization, nationalism and stateism have been the chief thought trends because of the pressing task of building a modern nation. Nationalism and stateism, established during the period from the Opium War to the pre_May_fourth Movement, grew into chief trends in the pro_May_fourth Movement period. In fact, while nationalism and stateism have played a key role in the struggle of establishing a modern nation, they have exerted some negative impact of sacrificing modernity. Therefore, it is essential that care be taken against the pitfall of nationalism and the revival of stateism.