在多区域变风量空调及其控制系统的分析研究基础上 ,根据ASHRAE通风标准对新风量的要求 ,针对混合送风系统仿真分析了 4种新风及其分配的控制方案 ,综合考察了各方案的新风分配以及系统能耗。结果表明 ,通过VAV末端再热控制并结合AHU送风温度优化的控制方案 ,可以较好地解决多区域VAV空调系统新风分配问题 ,同时能有效地降低系统的能耗。
Based on the study of multi-zone VAV air conditioning systems and their control, and the requirements of outdoor air by an ASHRAE standard, evaluates four options of outdoor air control strategies for mixing air supply systems, analyses the performance of outdoor air distribution of multi-zone and energy consumption of each option. The results of the simulation show that the strategy using reheating control of VAV boxes with optimal control of the AHU supply air temperature is the best in distributing outdoor air to all zones in a building and reaching better energy efficiencies.
Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning